June 27, 2024


Buzzy News

About Us

About Us

Welcome to Buzzinite, your number one source for news across a spectrum of categories including politics, technology, trends, stories, crimes, and celebrity news. Founded in [Year] by Saange Tamang, Buzzinite has come a long way from its beginnings.

Our Mission

At Buzzinite, we are dedicated to providing you with the latest and most comprehensive news coverage. Our mission is to keep you informed and engaged with in-depth analysis, fact-checked and unbiased reporting, and a wide range of features that cater to all interests. Our news coverage spans from local happenings to global events, ensuring that our readers are well-informed at all times.

Our Team

Our team is made up of experienced journalists, editors, and contributors who bring a wealth of knowledge from their respective fields. Led by Saange Tamang, our editorial staff ensures that each article meets our high standards of thorough research and responsible reporting.Our team includes:
Author: Saange Tamang

Author: Unmesh Subedi

Author: Sagar Paudel

Author: Rujan Subedi

Our Values

Transparency, integrity, and accuracy are the pillars of Buzzinite. We believe in the importance of trustworthy news and go the extra mile to verify all our sources. Our readers trust us to deliver news that matters, free from bias and sensationalism.

Why Follow Us?

By following Buzzinite, you are guaranteed to receive:

Daily updates on the latest news, ensuring you never miss out on important developments.
Diverse perspectives on both local and international events.
Special features, interviews, and expert opinions.
We strive to provide our audience with factual news and insightful analysis. Whether you’re interested in the latest political developments, technological innovations, or celebrity gossip, Buzzinite is here to keep you in the loop.

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